Saturday, July 16, 2011

EAR PWR ~ "National Parks"

  Synths still sound synthetic to me. After all these years, decades, hell, generations, I still have a tough time not dismissing, never mind preferring songs based largely in the naked, largely overtone-less bleats for which synths are known.

  But I'm happy to make exceptions. Hell, what makes me happiest is the exceptional in anything.

  All I know for now about the band EAR PWR is this one video of hippie-like creatures dancing and cavorting in the woods for their song "National Parks". (Twyla Tharp's choreography for "Hair" (The Movie) figures into the flavors of their dance.) Did I mention they're mostly naked? No, I didn't. Nearly nude, their bodies are sweet if not entirely innocent, yet watching I never felt they stooped so low (so high?) as to be "…but tasteful" [gak!].

  Treading the line between tasteful and titillating without overstepping either way? That's the kind of balancing act one can enjoy guiltlessly. Playing burbling synths to evoke just the naturally right tones for a song called "National Parks"? That's also a neat trick. 

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