Sunday, April 24, 2011

Galactic - "Heart of Steel" featuring Irma Thomas

Galactic: An amazing, underrated band with guest vocal by Irma Thomas, an amazing, underrated, veteran R&B master.
"Heart of Steel": My theme song for the day, one of them for the year -- the newest addition to my list of life songs. [Remind me to share that list some day.] 
√ Check the groove. √ Check the multi-tracked vocals. √ Check the lyric. 
¿ Wonder how something this brilliant didn't rise to the top of charts around the world.
 ©2011 Bill Stella.  Dancing To Architecture, HowToFindTheBestMusic, Bill Realman Radio, Highest Common Denominator by Bill Stella.   All ©, ® & ™ items included in the column for review purposes are ©, ® & ™ their respective owners.