Thursday, June 2, 2011

WU LYF ~ "Dirt" (video) ~ World Unite and Love You Forever / The Lucifer Youth Foundation

One word: Phenomenal.

Some more words: This could be big.

Please start watching the video -- experience the music -- before reading any further. 

Now that I'm writing a music blog, I've entered the fray of music promotion. Which is usually equivalent to hype and heightened egotistical opinions.  I intend over time to make a case for good music based in more than that, in music that appeals to better aspects by which to appreciate music than trends and sheep-like behavior and based, yes, even in facts.

I'm short on facts this time. I just discovered WU LYF within the last 24 hours. I'll report what I learn as I learn it. But...


DAMN. If I hadn't lived through several decades of posing reality-checks against my gut-check instincts that this song, that this band will be huge, this space would just be filled with over-the-top raves.

Here's one: WU LYF could be the biggest thing since N....
Here's another: Whatever WU LYF releases this year could be the greatest collection of Rock and Roll since S....
You're following where I'm going here?

I try to check my instincts to rave against my desire to let you, my friends, discover music on your own. Unless I've lost my moorings, I prefer not to praise as much as I'd like, and let the music surprise and delight you on its own merits.

With "Dirt", I could discuss politics, I could describe the video, I could pull musical precedents out of my ass and display them so you could give me coolness-points for pointing out how these present things sound something sorta like previous things we loved. And feel free to consider all those things I could talk and talk and talk about ON YOUR OWN. But I love "Dirt", so --

Nah. Let "Dirt" speak for itself.

Listen to the sound of the next wave crashing on shore.
©2011 Bill Stella. Dancing To Architecture, HowToFindTheBestMusic, Bill Realman Radio, Highest Common Denominator by Bill Stella.   All ©, ® & ™ items included in the column for review purposes are ©, ® & ™ their respective owners.